Our Vision

"A mana enhancing community dedicated to a holistic approach that supports lifelong learning."


Our Mission

GlowKids provides a community for parents and whanau where children have the opportunity to see and experience their role in the world as "active learners" and are supported and encouraged to reach their greatest potential in all areas of their development.


Our Story

GlowKids is a parent led Charitable Trust established in 2011.  We are a not-for-profit organisation that provides intensive, specialist programmes for children who have sensory and/or physical disabilities. We are a MSD/Whaikaha (NZ Ministry of Disabled People) contracted service provider and Ministry of Education licensed Early Childhood centre providing a warm and friendly therapy based learning environment for children.

In addition, we provide families with the practical and emotional support that will empower them with knowledge, skills, confidence and hope.  They are then more equipped to be a positive and powerful force in their child’s development.

GlowKids Trust is governed by an independent Board of Trustees that includes parents, as well as external professionals with commercial, financial and business management expertise. 

GlowKids is registered under the Charities Act 2005 - Registration no. CC47631